July 2019 – Associate Professor Michael Buckland,BSc(Med), MBBS, Phd, FRCPA,FFSc(RCPA)

Associate Professor Michael Buckland, BSc (Med), MBBS, Phd, FRCPA, FFSc (RCPA)
Head of Neuropathology at RPA Hospital and a Clinical Associate Professor in Pathology at the University of Sydney.

He is the Director of the Australian Sports Brain Bank & Co-Director of the MS Research Australia Brain Bank.

Michael will be talking to us about the pathology of multiple sclerosis and on the science and controversy around the long term effects of repeated concussions, specifically the dementia known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). He
will present findings from his team’s research on multiple sclerosis and CTE in Australia.

This will be followed by a Q&A session.

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