Our two guests today are Les Edwards and Ken Black.
Les was employed by the Postmaster Generals Department and Telecom for thirty seven years and at retirement he was Residential Services Manager for the Penrith Telecom District.
Les' name appears in the Guinness Book of World Records- In a speed contest between morse code and texting on a mobile telephone by twice world record holder James Trussler, Les won convincingly
Together with his colleague Ray Carter they established a world record for the fastest Morse Code message sent and received, this was done in 2005 and is still the current World record.
Ken worked for the P.M.G- Department and Australia Post for forty two years.
At retirement he was Postmaster at St Marys N.S.W. As young men both our visitors were Telegraph Operators for the Australian Post Office in an era when the Morse Code Telegraph Network was a major means of public communication in this country.
They are members of the Sydney Morsecodians Fraternity of which Les is the Secretary/Treasurer and Ken is a Committee member